Awareness about honey Updated: 24 Sun, Feb 19


Use Honey instead of sugar in milk and porridge, when it cool to enhance their immunity & health as well as grasping power and memory. Childerns seems thoughtful and healthy who takes two table spoons of honey everyday inbetween 2 and 5 years.

One's childhood health decide the overall health in future life. Honey provides both vitality and immunity. Two table spoons of honey twice a day is advisable after five years. If they gets food with very good nutrianal value, it will enhance their brilliance and overall health also leads into long life and evergreen manhood.

Taking two table spoon of honey along with juice of 1/4 th lemon in one glass of water before half an hour of food,can control the over eating of childrens.It is highly effective if along with oats.

If the kid does not show any interest to taking food, give them honey-amala syrup (arishtam) before one hour food. Then, they can not be taking less food.

Take one table spoon of brahmi juice along with one table spoon of honey on morning will improve both grasping power and memory.

Drink one table spoon of honey before the examination or interview to improve perfomance.