about bharath bee keeping centre

Bharath Bee Keeping Centre started in Avanisserry panchayath near Ollur in Trissur district in Kerala for honey bee cultivation training program which aims the target one honey bee farmer at a home by finding candidates who interested in honey bee cultivation and bee keeping.


"Honey bee cultivation & earning habit while studying" was the second program which held at Nattika Government Fisheries Higher Secondary School in 2009 with completely successful.


AICAR was honored M.R. Sajayakumar for Reinvigoration of Honey Bee cultivation after the impact of virus attack in 1999 which ever heard in our history also State Government of Kerala horned him for Good Honey Bee Farmer in 2008.


Bharath Honey is the brand with agmark certification from Bharath Bee Keeping Centre since 1993. Agmark certification ensures the quality as well as purity in India. It is available in 50,100,250,500 and 1000 gms of packs with grade A which have water contents lower than 20% . Our harvesting time is in between winter and summer season and we gives first preference to forest area. All other time we keep the bee boxes in estates. Hence, it ensures Bharath Honey the top quality products as well as natural.

Guiness World Record

Spending an incredible 4 hours 10 minutes and 5 seconds with his head covered in bees, Nature M S from Kerala, India attempted this record to raise awareness of the importance of honey bees and apiculture ðŸ