Nutritional value of Bee Pollen
Pollen, the male seed of a plant, is the primary source of dietary protein for bees. Bees collect pollen to make Beebread by mixing it with honey or with nectar and adding enzymes that prevent the Pollen from germinating.
It contain concentrations of phytochemicals and nutrients. Bee pollen is rich in carotenoids, flavonoids and phytosterols.Further, they also consume it, which allows them to secrete Royal Jelly and Wax. It has become a popular energy-enhancing nutritional supplement because it is about 40% protein and contains all the essential amino acids and vitamins and minerals needed by humans, except Vitamin B12.
Bee pollen combines 22 amino acids,vitamin C,B-complex and folic acid,polyunsaturated fatty acids,enzymes,carotene-all of the major antioxidants that have so far been discovered bee pollen benefits your body with a number of vital trace elements that it can't manufacture, but needs in order to stay healthy.Those trace elements include iron, zinc, manganese, copper, calcium, magnesium, and potassium - all minerals that have proven health benefits.
Bee pollen benefits stem from the fact that it contains more than 96 different nutrients, including every single nutrient that is needed to sustain human life. It is high protein content, nearly all of it usable by the body without any further breakdown or metabolism.
Pollen is a good source of enzymes and also has the highest anti-oxidant activity, as measured by the ORAC index, of any fruit or vegetable. Because of its nutrient density, one to two teaspoons of pollen is equivalent to a serving of vegetables. Therefore, supplementing your diet with bee pollen is a great way to significantly improve your nutrient intake.
Medicinal properties of Bee Pollen
There is a rapidly increasing body of scientific evidence which shows that pollen has a variety of anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-arthritic properties. Its anti-inflammatory and antiallergic properties, as well as its immune system normalizing phytochemicals, allows bee pollen to be used therapeutically to decrease symptoms in people who have hay fever and pollen sensitivities. This is done through oral administration and is analogous to the way allergists treat people with desensitization injections. The therapy consists of giving a patient tiny amounts of a substance that a person is allergic to, and slowly increasing the amount over time.
Pollen has been reported to be useful in many other medical conditions including: varicose veins, high cholesterol and triglycerides, fatigue, infertility, impotence, anorexia, obesity, constipation, diarrhea, hypertension, prostatitis, depression, scar formation, and recovery from illness and surgery. Pollen is compatible with other therapies, it can be used long term, has no toxicity even at high doses for those who are not sensitive or allergic.
Studies show promising results regarding pollen's potential. In a placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial of 60 men, found pollen extract was an effective treatment for prostate enlargement and prostatitis. In another study, mice with lung cancer survived almost twice as long when treated with pollen extracts compared with untreated controls. Pollen increased the effectiveness of chemotherapy when given simultaneously. Unlike chemotherapy, pollen didn't attack tumors but stimulated immunity.
In a third study, rats were exposed to solvent vapors, simulating industrial exposure. This elevated their liver enzymes, indicating diminished detoxification capabilities. Liver damage was significant in the control rats, damage that was nearly prevented in rats given pollen.
The Health Benefits Of Bee Pollen
It's been suggested - and accepted by most doctors and nutritionists - that 35 grams of bee pollen daily contains all the nutrients needed by the human body to sustain life. Because bee pollen contains every known nutrient that your body needs, it's a highly recommended health supplement to "fill in the cracks" when your diet sometimes falls short of ideal.
Specific health benefits of bee pollen
There are many reports, articles and books that have been written attesting to the ability of Bee Pollen to extend one's life,slow down the aging process and enhance youthfulness.These reports date back to the beginning of civilization as we know it.The Chinese emperor Shen Nung compiled a medical encyclopedia back in 2735 BC, which extols the virtues of Bee Hive products.Throughout the ages much has been written about the health giving properties of Bee Pollen and about the positive effect it can have on slowing down the premature aging of skin.Much of the modern research on Bee Pollen has been carried out in Europe.
Bee Pollen is an excellent prophylaxis and therapeutic treatment against the precocious symptoms of old age. It should be considered a universal geriatric treatment in the form of a natural remedy.
An increase in mental and physical abilities, improvement in metabolic systems and the removal of other cardiovascular symptoms such as arteriosclerosis, cerebral insufficiency, and other sequelae.
Bee pollen benefits our immune system. Bee pollen contains proteins, mono and polyunsaturated fats, vitamins B, C, D, E, and beta-carotene, calcium, magnesium, selenium, nucleic acids, lecithin, and cysteine, all of which have been proven effective in strengthening the immune system.
Bee pollen helps build resistance to allergies.Because bee pollen contains traces of the substances that can trigger allergic hay fever, some allergists prescribe it to help lower sensitivity to local plant pollens.
Bee pollen helps us to cope more easily with stress. Because it has a full complement of amino acids, essential fatty acids and vitamins that help regulate mood, taking bee pollen supplements can help you control the stress in our life.
Athletes have used bee pollen for centuries to help them increase their energy and endurance. While studies have yet to bear this out, it makes logical sense that the long-term effects of using a bee pollen supplement are extremely beneficial to athletes. Considering the full spectrum of nutrients that bee pollen provides, it only makes sense that long-term bee pollen supplements would help athletes - who deplete their bodies of necessary nutrients on a regular basis.
Bee pollen benefits also extend to the area of weight loss. Bee pollen has shown to have an ability to help in fat loss by rectifying a chemical imbalance that many people with weight problems tend to have. Other weight control benefits of bee pollen include improving your metabolism (the rate at which your body burns fat); dissolving and flushing fat cells from our body due to the high percentage of lecithin contained in bee pollen; and it also helps to reduce our cravings for food.
Bee pollen is very effective in lowering your cholesterol levels.Bee pollen benefits relating to your sexual health are well documented as well. There have been many studies proving that bee pollen is very helpful in restoring the health of women's reproductive system and relief from the discomfort of PMS was also noted. For men the bee pollen benefits for health are even greater. over 50% of men who were given bee pollen in a study of bee pollen benefits experienced a dramatic improvement in sperm count and were able to perform better sexually. after just one month of taking bee pollen.
Researchers have recently found that bee pollen is very effective in helping prevent prostate problems. This is one of the best bee pollen benefits for men.There have also been a many clinical trials that have been carried out using bee pollen on cancer.
How to Use Bee Pollen
High-quality, fresh pollen consists of soft, fragrant, pliable granules that are neither pasteurized nor heated. These tiny yellow, orange, or brown granules can be chewed direct. They also come in the capsule and tablet forms. The taste of pollen varies depending on the flower and nectar source it comes from. Some pollen has a slightly sweet and nut-like flavor, while some pollen tastes bitter. If you try pollen from different sources, you would be surprised how much its taste can vary.
Bee pollen is very versatile; you can choose to mix the granules with any food you like. However, eating it raw is best, never cook it or add it to boiling water or food that requires heating. Heat destroys the live enzymes in the pollen and lowers its nutritional value.
Some parents suggest blending it together with fruits to form a delicious smoothie for their young children who would require all the essential amino acids, minerals, vitamins to grow strong and healthy, while others prefer to sprinkle the granules on pancake, toasted waffle, or granola. There are also people who prefer to chew it directly. Many shared with me that their appreciation for pollen is a taste acquired over time.